Why do we run?
Ah. The never-ending question - from folks who do not (yet) run, of course.
I don't have an answer.
Or do I have too many? (Please take a peek at my Favourite Running Quotes post).
I just know that it helps in many ways - physically, mentally, spiritually. How exactly, you say (suppressing a grin at how easily you've got me stumped)?? Just try it, I say (suppressing the same).
(Starting to Run)
But hang on: "trying" running, for many, would mean something like running once or twice or a few times at best, feeling the discomfort and hating it.
It's like anything else: it takes a lot of time, work and patience. Before you even start to get a glimmer of how amazing it can be!
Many people say, we started running but, y'know, got this and that injury, and decided to forget it. How can you blame me??
Right. Only, here's the thing: don't run to get strong, get strong to run. Injuries will pretty much vanish.
Also, take it really easy - slowly, gently. Training for a marathon comes after training for and running a half-marathon, which comes after training for and running a 10k, which comes ....... you get the idea. Start with a 5k goal okay.
The How-do-the-
Q. Do you win?
A. No. :-)
Q. What's the prize?
A. Pam Reed was asked by David Letterman what she got as a prize for winning the Badwater Ultra (135 miles in seriously hot weather etc etc). She said, a belt buckle. He was amused, to say the least.
I got a medal for finishing my marathon (or whichever event), that everyone else who finished also got. (Quizzical look - no money? My advice: let it pass).
Q. So you ran that 21k (or 42k, 50k, 100k, 100 miler, whatever) without stopping?? (WOW, now I'm impressed!)
A. Er, no. I had to eat and sit a bit. Also, I'm not an elite athlete.
(a light dawns in their eyes, Ahhh thank goodness, (s)he's not that good after all!). Annoying, man.
A friend once saw me running and later said, but you were so slow! (Yesterday's tough 25k does not enter their body or consciousness, no). :-D
Q. So, you don't even come close to winning. It's very difficult. So WHY do you run?
A. See above. And:
You know, deep inside, what that long difficult training run brings you: true happiness. Happiness is not to be confused with comfort; quite the opposite in fact. We're truly happy when we're pushing ourselves to achieve something difficult. Growth and comfort do not go together.
Declare Victory.
Q : Someone asked me Why do i run
A : You mean why would I run when I learned to walk at age three.
Q : So you walk, how fast do you walk.
A : What kind of question is that, I walk as I please.
Nads! :-)
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