Yup, a new PR for me -- a 25 km run. Took a looong time, 3.5 hours, but what the heck. I really didn't care, given this was my first 'ultra' run.
The B'lore Ultra 2009 edition was on Sun 15 Nov 09. Beautiful weather, cool, cloudy, even a bit of a drizzle at times to cool us off. Over 600 people participated. Was great.
And the funny thing-- even though it's definitely the most i've run so far, it didn't feel like it, what with the amazing company, chatting here & there with others, the fantastic support / aid stations etc etc.
Yeah my knees hurt a bit in the last five...well, naturally right ;-).
All in all, it was a lot of fun. Kudos to RFL. Really looking forward to trying even more!
Read more about the event, some pics, here.