I did have to stretch, even during the run - it helps..
I ran from EGL, along the southern perimeter wall of the (old) HAL Airport.
Felt the distance after about 8km, and wished I had some company then!
If so inclined, check out the map below (i re-traced the exact same route back to the starting point):
View 12Apr09.EGL_run in a larger map
BTW, I use the (new-ish) OHA/Google/HTC Android phone to track my run...
A photo taken at the far end:

Kaiwan great going young man! Eight miles is good. I vaguely recognize the area around HAL from the map. BTW what is EGL?
I'll check out the Yoga sites.
This morning I did a 5 mile run. Felt great after a shower and beer.
BTW what kind of hills are there on the route you did?
Hey Kersi, thanks..
EGL is Embassy Golf Links - a sprawling IT park here, housing IBM, MS, etc..
No hills here man...mostly road running but at least quiet inside roads esp early morning.
I must remember the beer myself :-)
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